Monday, February 23, 2009

Color Me...GREEN!

I'm in love with the color green! And I can't hide it! I have had a love of it for quite sometime but with March approaching and that fresh Spring Feelin'......I'm falling in love all over again! I love it.
Someone asked me if I was in love with in Money...ABSOLUTELY not! Money, smoney....sure it's nice to pay bills with and work for....but I really truly LOVE GREEN!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

What a week!

What a fun week! Last week, we had a four day week, no work/school on Friday and then this week ANOTHER four day week. We had Monday off. I loved the long weekend, it was great. On Friday, Emmy and I took Tennyson to a friends ranch, so he could spend sometime on the ranch and calving. Then Emmy and I went to Missoula and got some Valentine's Day gifts. It was such a fun girls day.
Then Saturday, Valentine's Day...Emmy had to cheer again, so we went to the bball games and just decided to stay for all of them. We love watching basketball, so even though it was Valentine's was just what we like to do. Dave bought me flowers and a box of dark chocolates for Valentine's day. I love DARK chocolate.
When I was a kid, I hated DARK chocolate. I have noticed as I have aged, that my tastes have changed drastically. I love thing that I NEVER thought I would. It is kind of fun to try new things.
Dave did buy us some yummy food for V-day and we cooked in on Sunday night. We had Salmon with Fresh Mango Salsa, a family favorite. Another thing that I love know is Sweet Potatoes, have you ever baked them (like a baked potatoe) and then sprinkled some brown sugar/cinnamon YUMMY! Love it!!!!

My flowers are still blooming and the bright colors just brighten my day.....everytime I look at them, really!
Valentine's day is so fun, so fun to share the love.

I'm spending time in a 3rd grade classroom this semester and got to attend their Valentine's day celebration. The teacher did a great activity, during the party. Each child had to take our their valentines and read them one by one and as you read them, you needed to whisper to the person that gave it to you, thank you or something to acknowledge that you appreciate the valentine. How cool is that? It was so fun to see the children's faces light up each time they got recognized....PRICELeSS!!!!!

I love to share the love.........Peace Love and Happiness!
Hope you had a fun week and enjoy your weekend.
Have the time of your life.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Emmy's Baptism Day

Big Weekend for Emmy

This past weekend was a BIG weekend for Emmy. Grandpa Max & Grandma Barbie came on Friday night and got to watch her dance at the Warden Basketball game. Then on Saturday it was her baptism day. It was a great day! There was another boy is a branch that got baptized the same day, it was great to share the day with such a special family. We LOVE the Smith's! Pretty much it was a weekend all about Emmy...............just the way she likes it!
We love you & Emmy and are so proud of you!

In case you couldn't tell, I figured out how to make my very own picture slideshows. So in honor of 44 pictures of Emmy (her birthday, her cheer/dance, & her baptism), she gets a whole blog of her own.....and picture slideshow to go with it.
Enjoy the shows and sorry to bombard you with pictures but I think she's pretty cute!

Enjoy your day & make it the Time of your Life!

Emmy's Dance

Emmy's Bday

Rock n' Rollin' Birthday

Emmy had a great birthday party. We celebrated it on, her actual birthday January 30th. She requested salmon, so Dave cooked us up some tasty Salmon, Mango Salsa, wild rice & salad. It was delicious. She got to invite one friend over and Tennyson had a friend over too. My friends Freddie & Laurie joined us for dinner. Then Matt & Jami came over to join in some rock n' roll...Rockband style! It was great fun, but I think the funnest part was watching Tennyson sing eye of the tiger. He bounced with every beat of the music, it was classic. Me, I prefer to rock n' roll to Bon Jovi (he's my boyfriend). You can take the girl out of the 80's but you can't take the 80's out of the girl!