Wednesday, May 6, 2009

So, where have I been?

Hello! Wow, it's been a long time since I posted, so you ask...where have you been?
"Here, there & everywhere?"
And I say - "NO, mostly just crazy!"

In about the past 3 weeks since I posted last, I wrote 2 finals (about 25 pages long), finished all my classes and finished my Masters Program. Woot woot for me! I am sooo relieved.

But have you ever finished something that consumed so much of your time, you kind of feel lost? I told Dave it might take me a few weeks to decompress. For the past 17 months, I have taken 48 credits and have worried day in and day out....what should I be doing, should I be writing a paper, should I be reading.....what SHOULD I be doing??!! :-)

I'm starting to get over that feeling of being completely overwhelmed....I have managed to keep myself busy, everyday. It's like how did I have time for school. I still go to bed way too late but whatever! It is a hard habit to break.

So besides the kids keeping me completely crazy busy, I have decided to commit to running again, now that I have time. My bestest PAL and I are going to do a run in about 1 1/2 in I'm doing some intense training but what else would I do with my time right? :-)

So here are the things on my list:
Watch movies

I have only done one of them so!
I'll get to the reading (for fun) and wathing movies...I promise.

Who's ready for summer....besides me?
I am ready for bathing suites, late night, bonfires and daylight until 10pm.
I LOVE Summer! I love all that comes with summer, NO schedule, lack of commitment and the feeling of being carefree.
Maybe I'll teach the kids how to play Kick-the-can! i don't even remember how to, I'm gonna have to call Barbie and get the "recipe"! :-)

We got the 4-H pigs last Friday, so I've put some pics of the cute little buggars on here.
This might possibly one of the most random posts ever....but if you've ever met me, talked to me or know me at all.............does that really surprise you!
ha ha!
They are so cute and full of personality.....

Look at those HAMS! LOL

Have a great day, make it the TIME of your LiFe!

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