Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Vegas BaBy!

We are going to Las Vegas tomorrow morning, flight leaves at 7:30am......yikes! That is going to be an early morning. But it will be well worth it right?

Earlier this fall our friends won the bid on some tickets to the NFR and they invited us to go along! How could we pass that up? We really have NO business going to Vegas right know but sometimes you just gotta Do IT!!!

It will be a fun little trip, will be fast but weekend get-aways are always worth it!

I'll post pictures of our trip when we return.

Until then, stay warm.
And enjoy the beginnings of your holidays season!
Just in case you were wondering 23 days until Christmas.....................YIKES!

Some Random Pics I found on google images


Shelley said...

NFR - shut up you!! I would go in a second too. Have fun!

JRO said...

SOOOOO jealous! Vegas and the NFR...jealous on both counts. I used to love going to the CFR, but that's in freezing-cold Edmonton (and it's, well, not the NFR). Throw a quarter in a slot for me. Have fun!