Sunday, March 1, 2009

Spring Break......Smring BREAK!

So this week, I am on Spring Break. Well, let me explain a Spring Break for an on-line student. I have a paper due on Thursday (which I haven't started) so guess what I'll be working on.....during my Spring Break. I have a projects and papers due out the wazooo soon! So much for a spring break. I thought spring breaks were suppopsed to be Cancun, Mardi Gras and fun in the sun?! Well not for this old Mamma, papers and projects that are coming due will be the extent of my Spring Break! Maybe I'll try to throw something fun in here! Maybe a few nights of no homework, how is that for a Spring BREAK.

Speaking of a BREAK, I need a break, I'll take a few nights off. Maybe that'll do me good.

We had a nice relaxing weekend. I worked on a Mid-term all day yesterday and Dave spent the day with the kids. We vaccinated Tenny's heifers and that went well. Then Dave took Emmy to the gym to shoot some hoops. Tennyson & his friends went outside to do chores, it was probably around 3:30 or 4:00pm and John's horse was down. He was rolling near the barn and got stuck on his side, between the barn door and the ground and couldn't get up! I was completely panicked. I didn't know what to do & I knew Dave wouldn't answer his phone while he was at the gym, so I called our neighbor/friend and he came over and helped me roll the horse over. I didn't think I could roll him over by myself and I was just praying that the old SOB wouldn't die on me. That is all I could think of was doing die on my watch! I hate that feeling of helplessness! Have you ever felt so helpless, you absolutely didn't know what to do. I hated the feeling, absolutely hated it. I am so Thankful for good neighbors that are willing to come help whenever you need them. I know I sounded like an idiot on the phone, I was FREAKin' out! :-) But I think he understood. He knows me well. ha ha!

I am glad we can raise our kids are animals and let them learn about life through giving and caring for them. Tennyson heifers are about ready to calf and that will be so exciting and soon the kids will be getting their little 4-h pigs. I truly do love this time of year, I can feel it Spring is right around the corner. I sometimes wish, that we got nice spring weather but I live in Montana, so I'll take whatever Spring-like weather we can get here. WE got snow last week...that's about as good as Spring weather gets here!

Well enjoy your week! Even if it isn't your Spring Break. Enjoy it like it was your Spring Break and take a vaction....even if its a virtual vacation or just a little the bath or a quiet place.
Have a great week. Make it the time of your life!

1 comment:

Susie said...

Candice It's so fun to see and hear about you and your family. How cute are you. You are very ambitious taking that all on, you for sure deserve a break. Good thing you called for help, you are way to tiny to move a horse. They weigh like a ton don't they. I will tell my parents you say hi. I'm sure they will come and check out your blog too!